Rugged Beauty

With 8 new countries included in the upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, our teams have their hands full; Especially when it comes to creating its abundant amount of wilderness and nature. With its exceptional wealth of plant and animal life, the Western Balkans is one of the richest parts of Europe in terms of biodiversity.

New Industries
They say that truckers make the world go round, and considering the number of materials and other cargo being transported somewhere out there basically every second, we have to agree! That is why the topic of New Industries is the best first step into more detailed information about what you can expect in the upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Construction Sites & Material Stores
The West Balkans region is experiencing a construction boom, with ambitious projects reshaping its urban landscapes. From revitalizing historic sites to constructing modern infrastructure, the region is embracing construction as a driver of economic growth.
Albania - Oil Well
The oil industry in Albania has a long history, dating back to the early 1900s when the country began commercial oil production. Today, Albania has a relatively small oil industry compared to other countries in the region, but it remains an important contributor to the country's economy.
Aluminium Industry
The aluminium industry in the West Balkans region is very important, as it is driving economic prosperity, creates job opportunities, and drives industrial growth. With a number of countries boasting robust aluminium production and processing facilities, coupled with abundant bauxite reserves, the region enjoys a competitive advantage.
New Cargoes to Haul
With new roads and countries comes new cargoes to haul too! Our team has created these new loads in connection with some of the new industries you'll find in our upcoming West Balkans DLC. However, these won't be limited to just the DLC area, as all Euro Truck Simulator 2 players will be able to enjoy these new options too.

Religion is an integral part of society and it has been accompanying us in different shapes and forms for thousands of years. While the West Balkans are one of the most religiously diverse regions in Europe, these beliefs became such an integral part of the local countries that our upcoming DLC has to reflect their touch in a certain way.
We’ve previously slightly touched upon the topic of what makes the West Balkans DLC unique by talking about the local culture. Today, we’ll shape the image of the region even further by showing you screenshots representing the architecture, along with bits of brief information as well.
Street Art
You may be thinking that Street Art isn’t really a primary characteristic of the West Balkans. However, there’s much more to shaping the personality of a region than structures or nature. Perfection is in the details, and that’s why today we will showcase a bit of awesome art you will see while roaming the local streets in the upcoming DLC.
Through Big Cities
It's no secret that our upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2 will feature quite a few different cities, which you may have seen from some of our previous blog posts. Some of our larger cities however, will not only feature lots of details and landmarks, but will also allow drivers to travel through the centre of them!

Border Crossings #2
Last month, we shared a post containing information and previews of Border Crossings in our upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2. With 30 crossings in total, we couldn't fit them all in just one blogpost! We are happy to share with you even more screenshots of unique border control points found across this in development DLC, we hope you don't mind!
Road Network
I think we can all agree that roads are pretty important to drivers, no matter where you're going (unless it's back to the future). In our upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, we've paid particular attention to the road networks in the 8 countries included in this expansion.
Among many other detailed landmarks arriving in the West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, you can look forward to traversing some iconic bridges, that on one hand, stand as engineering marvels and, on the other, play a crucial role in connecting various regions. In this blog post, we will dive into some examples and show you some amazing screenshots to truly hype you up for this map expansion!
Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Rest Areas
Trucking across Europe is demanding work, so taking ample rest is crucial for drivers, especially those on a long haul journey. Finding a suitable spot to rest can be a little challenging, but thanks to dedicated Truck Stops, drivers can unwind and sleep in peace.
The West Balkans region is characterized by its diverse and picturesque landscapes, ranging from rugged mountains to serene coastlines. Amidst this natural beauty, a network of tunnels has been carved through the challenging terrain, serving as vital transportation and infrastructure links for all drivers alike!
Languages and Signs
On your travels in the West Balkans region, you will encounter a large variety of road signage featuring a range of different languages. Our signage, assets and research teams have been working together to create accurate and realistic signs; which we are happy to share some examples of with you today.

*Images displayed here were created by our concept artists for other developers as a source of inspiration or potential ideas. Please keep in mind that anything in this section is not meant as a promise of future content of any of the upcoming expansions.

Discover, deliver and expand your trucking company to the countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia. From large bustling cities to the countryside filled with beautiful nature, you will be able to explore what the Western Balkans have to offer. You can look forward to many new things that these countries have to offer. Whether in terms of the industry, nature, landmarks, road networks, or a lot of other exciting content! Add this upcoming Euro Truck Simulator 2 map expansion to your Steam Wishlist today!
If you have any questions about this map expansion, please feel free to contact us anytime at