The cargo attribute heavy was renamed to valuable to correspond to its real usage.
The attributes reward_bonus_heavy and exp_heavy_bonus were renamed to reward_bonus_valuable and exp_valuable_bonus to correspond to the real usage.
Optional property city_name_sort has been added to city_data unit. It is used for sorting cities on various screens instead of city name if defined. It should be used for cities that has non-basic characters in name and basic sorting is not sufficient (eg. Łódź).
The mechanism used for handling the truck dealers was replaced to allow for bigger number of prepared configurations however it is still limited to one definition file per brand.
The small truck dealer prefab did change. It is now necessary to select the proper variant for the truck branch it represents, regenerate the signs and it might be necessary to do small corrections in its surrounding.
While this change did already happen in 1.14, it was not mentioned in its modding info. As part of speed optimizations, the skinning now takes advantage of the knowledge that skinning info in our model format should have the sum of weights of all bones affecting a vertex set to 1.0. If you have model which does not meet this requirement, its vertices will be pulled towards or pushed outwards from the origin of the model depending on the sum.
The luminosity materials on the truck dashboard now support up to 16 different sets of colors. The color slots are defined using dashboard_color array in the interior. The color slot used for part of the geometry is selected using integer part of UV coordinates of the geometry. See new dashboard_color.sui in our trucks.
The game now respects the trailer model look if one is specified in the trailer definition.
Removed redundant definitions of chemical/fuel cisterns (the company look was always assigned automatically). If you are using one from those removed trailers in your cargoes, you need to update them to point to the base one.
The editor now supports creation of terrain based on bezier patches. Please note that this is still experimental feature and might change in future versions.